
Sickness absence

Should your child be absent due to illness, we ask that you telephone the school first thing in the morning, we have a dedicated message system on 01985 213383 for absences.

Leave of Absence During Term Time

Taking your child out of school during term time may harm your child’s academic progress.

Absences may only be authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances.

Circumstances which are notified to the school or Local Authority after a decision has been made by the Headteacher will not be considered. Therefore please be certain to provide details of the exceptional circumstances when you apply and attach any supporting evidence.

In all circumstances of absence/holiday leave, a written application using the school absence /holiday  request form must be made by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides in advance of the  absence/ holiday and a date for the pupil’s return to school agreed.  It is expected that the form is submitted at least 4 weeks in advance.  Forms may be collected from the office.


Please see a link below for our Attendance Policy:
